Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Luxor - Valley of Queens

This valley contains over 70 tombs of queens, princes and princesses of the 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties, though only 4 are open.

Tomb 66: Queen Nefertari (19th Dynasty) - Nefertari was the wife of Ramses II and is celebrated in stone at Abu Simbel and elsewhere. Her tomb, long closed owing to damage caused by salt deposits, has been marvelously restored and recently reopened. It is by far the finest in the valley, the wall painting exquisitely drawn and vividly colored.

Tomb 55: Prince Amun-Her-Khopshef (20th Dynasty) - The paintings throughout this tomb are fresh and finely executed. At the center of the burial chamber there is a sarcophagus in human, or rather mummy form. The skeleton of a six month ld phoetus are displayed in a glass case.

Tomb 44: Prince Khaemweset (20th Dynasty) - Belonging to another son of Ramses III who fell victim to smallpox, the decorations of this tomb are similar to Tomb 55.

Tomb 52: Queen Titi (20th Dynasty) - The tomb is arranged like a cross, a corridor leading to a central chamber off which are three smaler chambers, left, right and ahead.

Entrance Fees: (Please see at the bottom of this page)

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